January 28, 2016
The Bond between SEO and UX

The Bond between SEO and UX

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) essentially leads to conversion, and a successful conversion generates revenue. However, if a company has splendid international and local SEO work but poor functionality, that spells bad ROI. Companies need high conversion to continue with their business.

Effective online content begins with a diverse business concept, evolves through customer analysis, expands by using outlined approaches and customer personas, and ideally reaches the best customer experience. To make a customer happy throughout a transaction, there should be an intersection between SEO and User Experience (UX). This is true for real-time services, ease of access and responsiveness factors that are significant both to search engine crawlers and site visitors. This is where SEO and UX intersects.

Take Search Engine Optimization in Chicago for instance. Local SEO, without a doubt, is a major element of online success. However, if it doesn’t consider Chicago UX to generate superior Chicago web design, it’s pretty much pointless. Online users turn to search engines to find a solution to their problems. And they don’t just want any content; they demand excellent material with great user experience. If the focus is only on SEO, the company overlooks everyone who found the site but immediately exited the page due to a substandard user experience.

SEO and UX: Hand-in-Hand

A typical generalization about SEO and UX is that the former is for bots and the latter is for users. While it’s true that an excellent SEO technique is required for discoverable content, it’s likewise accurate that UX is needed for substantial user engagement, targeted traffic, and conversion rates (assuming the content is exceptional).

There are several unquantifiable elements affecting consumer behavior, making UX a lot more elaborate than SEO. However, one thing is definite: the decision-making approach is done by humans. This means that UX can help the decision-making process in ways that SEO simply can’t. While SEO can put the content in the forefront, artistically designed UX can make it a pleasurable experience that attracts visitors to come back.

So how does SEO and UX “bond” to produce online magic? Here are two web marketing realities that play a role in their success.

1. Search engines are similar to human brains.

SEO has remarkably scientific dynamics. SEO professionals focus on numbers, keywords, key phrases, and relatively targeted criteria. SEO ranking factors include:

  • Content
  • User experience
  • Technical
  • Backlinks
  • Social

2. Online users enjoy excellent visuals.

The UI and site performance must not distract the users. Instead, they should be smoothly weaved into a holistic UX. This means minimizing information overload. The fewer options users are shown, the more receptive they will be. The UX ranking factors include:

  • Inviting design appeal through an irresistible UI
  • Functionality
  • A variety of content
  • Social proof and professional recommendations
  • Human-to-Human (H2H) connection

Today is the era of the digital natives who devote most of their time on the internet. They crave respect and value their web activities. Search engines are inevitably planning to mirror intricate human search designs. Internet users should expect a lot more UX and SEO factors to overlap down the road.